Eventually, I convinced Mr. G that we should at least "go look" so that he could see what I liked and what looked good on my finger. We set out looking on Friday, July 11. We went to a few stores close to our house and found "THE ring". I was disappointed when he told me that he now knew how much it cost and that it would be at least 6 months to a year before he would have enough money for it. (Big siiiiiigh)

The next day we were on our way to my dad's house for a BBQ when I remembered that there was a ShaneCo on the way...I slyly suggest that we should look there to see if they have anything else and to see what their prices are like. So we do...again we find "THE ring" (the same one)! I try it on again and sigh knowing that it will be awhile before I get to wear it again. We leave the store and head to my dad's, me in a sour mood, but trying really hard not to let it show.
Sunday morning rolls around, and Mr. G gets up and says that he needs to run errands to Home Depot and Lowes, etc. He is gone for a VERY long time, but calls to tell me that the Home Depot by our house didn't have what he needed and that he has been to a couple different stores and will be home soon.
Fast forward to the next Friday evening...we are sitting on the couch relaxing and talking about the fact that I would be leaving on Sunday morning to be out of town for a week. Mr. G suggests that we "do something fun" tomorrow to spend some time together before I leave. We decide upon Napa to wine taste for the day.
Satruday morning (July 19th) comes and Mr. G is out of bed before the alarm goes off. What guy gets in the shower first, right?? That's what I was thinking...and yet I roll over, happy that I don't have to get up yet. He gets out of the shower, gets dressed and I eventually hop in the shower. When I get out, I notice that he has changed his clothes. Weird again...so I ask...he says this is "more comfortable". Whatever...we finally make our way over to Napa.
We make a few stops at Sterling Vineyards and Dean & Deluca and finally end up at the Rubicon Estate where we are members. I should mention that they have a long red carpet that leads up to they entrance of the building. As we "walk the red carpet" Mr. G grabs my hand and says that we should go over here (by the fountain). I, not knowing anything, say "Why...let's go in...they're waiting for us..." Opps...little did I know until he started saying all these wonderful things (which I do not remember!) that he was proposing to me right then! He gets down on his knee and asks me to marry him and pulls out "THE ring" to put on my finger! I, of course, am a blubbering mess, but manage to get a "YES" out of my mouth.
After much kissing and hugging, we make our way inside to celebrate with a bottle of champagne and more wine.
Turns out that he went to buy my ring when he told me he was going to Home Depot. He bought my ring and took it over to my dad's house to ask him if he could marry me. He got up early that morning because he had kept the ring in his truck all week and had to go get it while I was in the shower. He changed clothes so that you couldn't see the box in his pocket!
If I had only known...maybe I wouldn't have been in such a sour mood! Sorry honey...
1 comment:
I thought I commented on this before, but I guess not. I think your proposal story is so romantic and cute! The ring is gorgeous! Love it!
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