Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Who gets the gun?

Well...I finally dragged Mr. G to Macy's yesterday. (I told him he could have the gun :) So we get there about 3:30 and have to wait for awhile for a salesperson to help the wedding registry department was busy! While we're waiting we looked at china and tried to pick something out of the masses of plates that are available. Finally, Liz, who is quite the chatter, comes to find us and we sit down in her office. She goes over everything...and I mean EVERYTHING that we need to know about registering at Macys...whew...I was tired just listening to her! Finally she gets to the good part and hands over the "gun". Mr. G heads directly for the beer dispenser, of course...while I try to decide on which china pattern. Seriously...too many choices. Once I decided on a china pattern, Liz starts to bring me flatware options...and stemware options. I am am I supposed to pick something now, when I'm 25 that I will still like when I'm 80?? Aye...

Needless to say we only got to china, flatware, and stemware before I was done. We'll have to go back for another round with the gun...

PS...Happy Birthday to my MOH! :)

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