Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Just to share
Smile :)
To bolero or not to bolero?

Now I'm starting to reconsider...now I love my dress and don't think it needs anything else but I can't help but wonder how this would look with my dress. Is it worth another $225? If I do wear the bolero...do I still wear a veil? If so...what kind? My dress has lace detail only on the top...will a bolero take away from that?

UPDATE 4/29:
The seamstress who is working on my flowergirl's dress and my bridesmaids dresses (who happens to be a friend of my mother) said she could make the bolero no problem! So that means I wouldn't have to pay $225 but...still no decision! I think I'll have to wait until my dress comes in and do a sort of "test run".
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Do I really need a purse??

I should receive my clutch in a few weeks...pictures of course once it arrives!
Just because
You remember my shower thank you notes from the fabulous designhergals.com website? Well...they were having another 30% off sale and I couldn't resist ordering more thank you notes. Mr. G and I will use these as our thank you notes for the wedding. Mr. G is a football coach and we will be in prime football season about 2 weeks after the wedding so I thought it was only fitting that I be holding the football! The colors of his high school are also orange and blue...aren't we so darn cute as a cartoon couple??
May all of your showers...
In other news...this means people have begun to buy gifts off our registry! Sooo exciting! (Not that I check like every day...)
Favors galore!
So, this weekend I decided to get my booty in gear and get working on some projects. I assembled about 50 invites and ordered my postage. Postage is going up as of May 1st...booo...so I have been holding out on that one.
I also began working on my favors. Mr. G and I decided to do a scratch off lottery ticket in an envelope at each place setting. I created a sticker design using PowerPoint and printed it on full sheet label paper. Using my 2.5" circle punch, I punched out each sticker. Each sticker was then placed on the velum envelope that I ordered from www.blissweddingmarket.com. So far, I have put stickers on 100 of the envelopes. My dad ordered 250 "Diamond Dazzlers" lottery tickets and I should have those soon. I plan to put a shiny penny inside each of the envelopes too so people can actually scratch off their ticket right there.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Almost double digits!
And finally, a few weeks ago I received an email that our wine glasses from Crate and Barrel had been discontinued. I really loved these wine glasses so I was complaining to my mom about how we needed to go and pick new ones...well...she surprised us and bought all 24 of our glasses! 12 red wine and 12 white wine glasses take up some serious space sooo...Mr. G and I had to make some room in our cupboards. We had the requisite "arguments" over keeping alllll of the plastic Cal Football cups that Mr. G picked up at the numerous Cal games he's been to. I made a deal with him and the cups made their way to the trash can! I won't go into details about the deal ;). Here are our new glasses resting pretty in our cupboards!
Invitations have gone out for both of my showers next month and I am just so excited that celebrations are finally starting to happen! I feel like we have been engaged for-e-ver but then again I feel like the last 9 months have FLOWN by...105 days...almost double digits!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Moving along
Yesterday we went over to our wedding site and met with all of our parents, the home-owners, and our awesome DJ and caterer. They were so impressed with the site and we got the layout planned out and the details of where everything will be, how the lighting will be and how everything will go on the night of our wedding. I was very exciting leaving and knowing that my vendors were happy and they were genuinely excited about our big day.
I have been eyeing a few things on etsy.com for awhile and think I will purchase them soon. One being a clutch for my on the big day and another being something cute for my girls...I can't resist another gift! Seriously girls...I wish I could show you the bag of loot you're getting! I can't wait!
I think that's all for now...I'll hopefully have an update on my first shower here shortly and even better...my dress should be here in a month! :)