Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wedding Recap: First Look

After much discussion and persuasion on my part, Mr. G and I agreed to see each other and take most of our pictures before the ceremony.  We decided that because our ceremony ad reception were all in the same place, we didn't want to have to rush our pictures and we didn't want our guests to wait around for dinner(and possibly get drunk!) for 2 hours while we took our pictures.  I am SO glad we did the first look and our pictures before!  I honestly think it was one of the best decisions that we made.  I know I was so much more relaxed after having already seen him and it also gave us some moments alone before the craziness of the ceremony and our 250 guests!  We got some amazing pictures and I love, love the pictures of our first look...even if I am a crying mess!

MOH tring to stop the tears and I wait for Mr. G

Mr. G comes around the corner

Then we headed outside for more photos

I wish I could post these pictures larger!  They are sooo much better that way!


The Southbay Newlyweds said...

im soo glad we did a first look too!!! pics are great!

The Southbay Newlyweds said...


Confessions of a Northern Belle said...

I may or may not have gotten goosebumps and teary eyed looking at your pictures ... seeing you tear up before you see your groom... then the look on your face as you hug!! Ahhh the emotion is radiating from those shots! Love them. =0)

Nicole-Lynn said...

SO it :) Great pictures!